Environmentally Responsible Cleaning Solutions

How Long Will My Roof Cleaning Last?

How Long Will My Roof Cleaning Last_

Most people don’t realize how dirty their roof is, until it’s cleaned and they see the dramatic difference in the before and after pictures. How long those incredible results last can depend on a variety of factors.

For example, if the roof is under the shade of trees, moisture will tend to stay on the roof longer thus allowing mold, mildew, and algae to begin to grow again. The homeowner would also want to be aware not to allow things like leaves, sticks, branches, etc to sit on the roof.

We here at Pelican SoftWash want to help you to keep your roof clean as long as possible. We do this by offering our exclusive 5 Year Limited Spot Free Warranty on most full roof cleanings. Under this warranty, we will come out and treat any small spots that may be starting to grow back on the roof, at no cost to the homeowner. We also guarantee that no growth will occur during the first year after we treat the roof. In years 2-5, if growth begins to occur will treat the entire roof at only 50% of the original retail price of the roof cleaning.

A warranty is only as good as the company backing it. Anyone can say they offer a warranty, but if they go out of business, the warranty is no longer good. What makes our warranty different is it is backed by a national company, SoftWash Systems. SoftWash Systems has been in the roof cleaning business for over 30 years, and have cleaned over 100,000 roofs of all types and sizes.

How does this benefit the customer? For example, Pelican SoftWash comes out and cleans your roof and we put a 5 year warranty on your cleaning. In year 4, you notice the roof is starting to get dirty again. You call us out to come out and do a retreat, but for whatever reason, we are not able to come out and handle the warranty. You can call SoftWash Systems, and they will send out another affiliate company to come out and handle your warranty claim, no questions asked! This is an exclusive benefit that you can only get with an affiliate company like Pelican SoftWash! We want to make sure your roof stays clean as long as possible at the lowest cost possible!

Are you ready to take care of one of the most important parts of your home? Are you ready to never worry about cleaning your roof again? Reach out to us to get your FREE onsite consultation!

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